»Die Welt«, 24/02/03
Plenty of dietary fibre and eggs lowers the risk of breast cancer
Eggs may reduce the risk of breast cancer as they are rich in essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals.
Boston – Women who ate plenty of eggs in their youth are less likely to get breast cancer. According to a report by American doctors in the medical journal “Breast Cancer Research”, the evidence also suggests that dietary fibre and vegetable fats protect as well, whereas butter increases the risk. They had asked more than 120,000 women about their eating habits during their school years.
The risk of breast cancer was significantly lower in women who had eaten plenty of eggs, vegetable fats and dietary fibre between the ages of 12 and 18. Eggs may reduce the risk of breast cancer as they are rich in essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals.
Dietary fibre may have a protective effect as it binds oestrogen. In high doses, this sex hormone is suspected of promoting the development of breast cancer.