What amino acids can be used for
Amino acids are at the basis of all life processes, as they are absolutely essential for every metabolic process.
Among their most important tasks are the:
- optimal transport and
- optimal storage of all nutrients
(i.e. water, fat, carbohydrates, proteins, minerals and vitamins).
The majority of health issues such as obesity, high-cholesterol levels, diabetes, insomnia, erectile dysfunction or arthritis can essentially be traced back to metabolic disturbances. This also applies to hair loss and serious cases of wrinkle formation.
This is why it is important to act sooner rather than later to ensure that the essential amino acids are available to the body in sufficient quantities.
Unfortunately this cannot be guaranteed nowadays, due to the poor quality of our diet. This is why supplementation with amino acids is recommended.
On the following pages you can find a summary of various university studies on the positive effects of amino acids on: